Green Solutions

We offer a broad spectrum of services including master planning, building structure and system audits, analysis and design, energy/operating cost analysis and quality assurance reviews.
Our Mechanical Engineering expertise includes the following:
The National Fire Protection Association is an international nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.
ASHRAE is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and sustainability within the industry.
ASME serves a wide-ranging engineering community through quality learning, the development of codes and standards, certifications, research, conferences and publications, government relations, and other forms
of outreach.
The Auburn Chamber of Commerce promotes the welfare and advancement of member businesses within the community. It serves as an advocate, facilitates networking and collaboration, and provides opportunities for its members to promote their businesses.